Rev. Kenneth Levingston was consecrated as one of six Global Methodist Church's newly elected interim episcopal leaders during the 2024 Convening General Conference, affirming his role in guiding the church forward.
Pastor Levingston has pastored congregations in rural, urban, suburban, and multicultural settings. He preaches and teaches the word of God in a manner that is scripturally rooted and grounded in Holy Spirit. He challenges the hearer to respond to the call of Jesus, “follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” He is determined to follow Jesus and do what Jesus did and help others to come to know, love, and believe in Jesus for transformation and salvation.” Pastor Levingston’s life reflects his belief that living a “Higher Way” means submitting one’s self to love and service to others.
Wife: Shanda Kaye, 35 years
Pastor Levingston was appointed to Jones Memorial "The Higher Way Church" on September 1, 2008. "The Higher Way Church" provides ministries that meet the life needs of its mission field, guiding people to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior and do what Jesus did with and for others.
Pastor Enid received her call to full-time ministry to cultivate and nurture relationships in a way that honors and brings Glory to God. She has a heart to serve God’s people wherever she’s planted, and has a deep love for serving and empowering and serving the community. Pastor Enid is committed to making a Kingdom Impact to see lives and hearts transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. She is a proud graduate of Texas Southern University, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations & Communications. Pastor Enid also earned her Master of Divinity from Southern Methodist University - Perkins School of Theology and is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Pastor Enid is an Ordained Elder in the Global Methodist Church.
Prior to returning to serve at Jones Memorial The Higher Way Church in July 2023, Pastor Enid was the Senior Pastor of Ebenezer UMC, located in the historic Independence Heights Community, Houston, TX. Through God's grace and her leadership, Pastor Enid lead the church through a season of change, transformation, rebuilding, growth, and intentional missional engagement. She and her husband Lance, a pharmacist, have been married for 23 years, and have a daughter Leighla.
A native Houstonian, Rev. Verronda has been a member of the Methodist Church all of her adult years. She has worked in Corporate America as a Sr. VP in HR Management for 16 years, and in Higher Education, Mid High and Elementary Schools in various roles.
Rev. Verronda began her journey of being a servant leader for God at Windsor Village United Methodist Church. She then answered God’s divine call to pastoral ministry in 2008, and will be continuing her studies at SMU Perkins School of Theology.
Children: Raymond and Elyssia
Grandchildren: Brooklynn
Pastor Flanagan was appointed to Jones Memorial The Higher Way Church on August 1, 2020.
Senior Pastor

Executive Pastor

Associate Pastor

Nakia William Edwards, born and raised in New Jersey, came to Houston, Texas in 1993 to attend Texas Southern University. Nakia proudly graduated from Texas Southern University with an undergraduate degree in Psychology and minor in sociology. Nakia continued his studies and received a Master’s in Counseling from Prairie View A&M University. Nakia currently works full-time at Houston Community College as the Program Director of Workforce and Career Training.
But the highlight of his life started in the year of 2000 when he fully committed his life to Christ. In 2001, he met the love of his life, Thelissa, who became his wife on May 18, 2002. Nakia responded to the call to pastoral ministry in 2016 through the United Methodist Conference as a licensed local pastor. He previously served in the youth and marriage ministry at Windsor Village United Methodist Church, the Board of Directors at the Awakenings Movement, and pastoral leadership, youth and marriage ministry at Covenant Glen United Methodist Church. Nakia is proud to join the pastoral team of Jones Memorial The Higher Way Church and looks forward to being used mightily for the glory of God!
Wife: Thelissa
Children: Farrah, Jacob, Hannah, David
Pastor Edwards was appointed to Jones Memorial The Higher Way Church on July 1, 2020.
Associate Pastor

Rev. Dr. Dorothy Smith-Hubbard was born in Winchester, Kentucky. and relocated to Pearland, Texas, in 2009.
An Ordained Elder in the Global Methodist Church and formerly pastored two churches in the UMC with the opportunity to assist in a successful church merger. She has over 12 years of experience in Chaplaincy and is endorsed by The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM). Nashville, TN. And a certified Chaplain through the Board of Chaplaincy certification (BCCI). President and Founder of Branches Inc. (a 501(c) Leadership Organization in Kentucky and Houston with a mission to raise up Leaders to Serve in the body of Christ (, In cooperation with The Oral Robert’s University Local Bible Institute, has established “The Smith-Hubbard Bible Institute” in honor of our parents, Rev. Winfred C. Smith and Missionary Flemon C. Hubbard.
Dr. Dorothy is also the Author of “Reducing Anxiety of Persons Practicing Pastoral Care Through Interpathy Training” and “Reframing To Now” (
Dr. Dorothy has an earned Master of Arts Master’s degree in Leadership (MACL) and Master of Arts Christian Ministries (MACM) from Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY., an earned Doctorate of Ministry (DMin) with a concentration in Pastoral Care and Counseling and presently serves as a part-time Adjunct Professor at Oral Robert’s University, Tulsa, Ok.
Husband: Min Roland C. Hubbard, Sr. Certified Lay Minister
Children: Christa, Dawn, Myra, Charity, Rochelle, Rebecca, and Roland Jr.
Grandchildren: Micheal, Shenice, Emmanuel, K'ara, Jordan, Jessica, Gabriel, Isaac, and Roland, III.
Pastor Dorothy was appointed to Jones Memorial The Higher Way Church on July 1, 2022.
Associate Pastor