From the Heart of our Director

For Our Youth Parents

I just want to say "Thank You" to all my parents, the backbone to our ministry. Thank you parents!!!
Still, this new "normal" has not been easy in the least bit if I am being truly honest. Yet, I thank God for it.
Almost daily, I have had a "Come to Jesus" moment. Lifting my hands in full surrender. I am sure that many of you have had similar experiences (especially if your day-to-day household operations have changed dramatically.)
"Just ask the Savior to help you
To comfort, strengthen and keep you
He is willing to aid you
And He will carry you through."


theWAY Nursery seeks to share and teach the love of Jesus Christ to our youngest children (new-born to 4-years old). In a safe, fun-filled environment, the ministry engages children through song, craft, games, and other interactive activities that enhance their ability to learn about the love of Jesus Christ.



Childrens' Church is a worship experience focused totally on children and building their understanding of the Bible and promoting a meaningful relationship with God. Children’s Church celebrates all the ministries that are provided for children and gives the children involved, a weekly opportunity to display what they are learning in many unique and creative ways.


Cherub Choir is open to children ages 3 through 1st grades. If your child loves music, loves to sing, and loves to have fun, this is their choir. This Music Ministry’s goal is to build self-esteem in children by helping them accomplish something great for God. Our goal, also, includes teaching the spiritual truth that will soak deep into the children’s hearts that will provide an outlet for musical and dramatic expression.



The Acolyte Ministry assists in leading the congregation in worship each Sunday by lighting the altar candles at the beginning of each worship and extinguishing them at its conclusion. We invite all children and youth to participate.



The Praise Dance Ministry is comprised of purpose-driven individuals who have been called to praise the Lord through music and dance. The members of this ministry humbly offer themselves as living examples of genuine and authentic praise and worship.


We are blessed with wonderful leaders in our Teen Church. They genuinely care about the souls of these young people and provide messages tailored to the interests and concerns of our younger members and guests. (Ages 13-18)



We believe in the power of education to change the destiny of our children who will change the destiny of our people. Each child of our church who graduates and chooses to go to college will receive a church scholarship. These scholarships are given each year through the generosity and love for children of our late members Mrs. Willie C. Robinson and Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel & Margie Duty.  

Click here for Scholarship applications.


The Youth Ushers' Ministry serves at 11 a.m. every 2nd Sunday. Fulfilling the role of “helper” Youth Ushers practice the fruit of the Spirit, patience, kindness, gentleness, love, and joy. This ministry helps to create a welcoming and positive worship environment for all our members, guests, and friends. Youth Ushers are always open to new members who would like to serve.